Moxie's primary cryptocurrency MOXIE enables you to participate in the Moxie ecosystem and own the project together with the rest of the community.

MOXIE at a Glance

Role of MOXIE

Moxie's native asset MOXIE is an essential part of the Moxie economic engine, which continuously requires participants to buy and lock-up MOXIE into Moxie Protocol contracts, while the Protocol burns MOXIE with every transaction.

  • Members require MOXIE in order to purchase Fan Tokens of Members, Channels, and the Farcaster Network via Moxie Batch Auctions and Bonding Curve Contracts. Fan Tokens provide numerous benefits.

  • 3rd parties must acquire MOXIE and lock it in the Rewards contract to offer "proof of work" Rewards in the protocol.

  • MOXIE swapped for Fan Tokens are locked in the protocol until sold.

  • Every time a Fan Token is auctioned or sold, the protocol collects a 5% fee.

    • After Fan Token Auctions, 100% of the Protocol Fee (5%) is set to be burned

    • Every time a Fan Token is sold:

      • 50% of the fee (5% x 50% = 2.5%) is distributed to the Subject whose Fan Tokens are being sold

      • 50% of the fee (5% x 50% = 2.5%) is in MOXIE collected by the protocol and currently set to be burned.

    • The fee amounts and usage of the fees can only be changed by DAO vote

This diagram shows an example flow for buying/selling Channel Fan Tokens and the Protocol 5% burning fees with every purchase and sale


Governance and voting rights are provided for all token holders in a model that ensures progressive decentralization. See Governance.


MOXIE is an ERC-20 token on the Base blockchain. MOXIE will have a total supply of 10,000,000,000 MOXIE at genesis. 50% of the tokens are earmarked for the ecosystem and 20% for Protocol Development. 10% is allocated to ensure liquidity at launch so developers can use the Protocol. The entire supply is split across seven categories described in the chart and table below.



The 10 billion MOXIE supply at genesis will be subject to several different unlock schedules. All tokens, locked or unlocked, may be used in the protocol, however only unlocked tokens may be transferred onchain.

Circulating supply is defined as the amount of MOXIE tokens in general circulation without onchain transfer restrictions.

Available supply is defined as the amount of MOXIE tokens that are either part of the circulating supply or are unlocked but subject to some form of governance to determine when the tokens are allocated. This includes the unlocked portion of the Ecosystem tokens and the tokens set aside for future Engagement Mining initiatives.

The definitions for circulating and available supply were adapted from Optimism’s definitions.

The Unlock schedule by category is described in the table below and accompanying chart. All unlocks occur daily.

MOXIE Circulating Supply By Month

This spreadsheet contains the detailed token release waterfall.

Free vs. Paid Rewards Forecast

The "Free" Common Goods Engagement Mining Rewards are intended to kick-start network effects while providing value to the entire Farcaster ecosystem. Very rapidly we forecast paid 3rd party rewards eclipsing the free rewards as new advertising models and primitives are launched on top of the Moxie Protocol.

The values below represent the % of total supply acqired in that month for rewards

Last updated

Moxie Protocol Foundation, Cayman Islands