Moxie Bonding Curves (Price Curves)
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Creators can choose between 4 bonding curve volatility-types for their Creator Coins.
The bonding curve type is first chosen when creating the Creator Coin and then can also be upgraded to more volatile curves at any time. Bonding curves can only be upgraded, not downgraded.
Each purchase or sale of the Creator Coin increases or decreases the price for the next buyer/seller.
The more volatile the curve, the more the price moves with every transaction.
Continue reading for more details and specifications.
Creators first select their bonding curve type when creating their Creator Coin. Curves can also be upgraded later.
A limited supply (s) of the Creator's coins are available in the initial 24h presale auction.
Following the presale an unlimited supply is available on the bonding curve.
Each subsequent purchase or sale of the Creator Coin increases or decreases the price for the next buyer/seller.
More volatile curves move more with each buy/sell.
The Moxie Bonding Curves use the Bancor formula, where price (y) at a certain supply (s) is a function of the reserve ratio, initial supply, and current supply:
You can simulate the bonding curves using this tool which will tell you the Price on the curve at any point.
The initial settings for each bondig curve type are as follows:
Reserve ratio: 0.80
Pre-sale supply: 40,000
After pre-sale supply: unlimited
Reserve ratio: 0.66
Pre-sale supply: 20,000
After pre-sale supply: unlimited
Reserve ratio: 0.55
Pre-sale supply: 10,000
After pre-sale supply: unlimited
Supa Based
Reserve ratio: 0.40
Pre-sale supply: 5,000
After pre-sale supply: unlimited
Creators can upgrade their bonding curves to a more volatile slope, but cannot downgrade the curve .
Curves can be upgraded from > Settings
When upgrading a bonding curve is upgraded there is a 72 hour cooldown period before the curve is upgraded. All of the Creator's fans are notified such that everyone has ample time to buy or sell before the curve is changed. This prevents any front-running.
Please keep in mind that more volatile curves move more with each buy and sell; and are thus more speculative.