Moxie Tech: Bonding Curve Initialization 1
Document explains process behind bonding curve initialization after auction is finished.
s : Subject
p: Represents Moxie Protocol
n : Number of tokens in the auction.
P: Auction clearing price.
m: Unsold supply during auction.
Fs: Funds raised in auction for Subject s.
AFs: Subject Fee applied during auction closure.
AFp: Protocol Fee applied during auction closure.
Bs: Initial supply for bonding curve.
Br: Initial reserve for bonding curve.
BFs: Subject Fee for buying fan tokens from bonding curve.
BFp: Protocol Fee for buying fan token from bonding curve. This is set to 0% in mainnet.
SFs: Subject Fee for selling fan tokens to bonding curve. This is set to 2.5% in mainnet
SFp: Protocol Fee for selling fan tokens to bonding curve. This is set to 2.5% in mainnet.
Step by step explanation of finalize subject onboarding transaction(auction closure) :
On auction closure, subject factory contract receives funds raised in auction Fs & unsold supply of subject token m.
Fs = (n-m) * P
Unsold supply m of Fan tokens is burned.
Auction Fee calculations:
Protocol Auction Fee AFp = Fs * 5 /100 (This fee is set to 5% in mainnet.)
Subject Auction Fee AFs = Fs * 5 / 100 (This fee is also set to 5% in mainnet.)
Moxie Foundation purchases 1 subject token at the auction clearing price P which is locked in contract forever.
Effective Subject Token Supply
Effective Auction Funds
Moxie Bonding Curve which is based out of Bancor’s formula is initialized with supply Bs & reserve Br.
Protocol Auction Fee AFp is sent to Moxie Foundation which is burned.
AFs is used to buy subject tokens from bonding curve for subject.
Bonding Curve Fee calculations:
BFs = 0 (This is set to 0% in mainnet)
BFp = 0 (This is set to 0% in mainnet)
Total funds moved to reserve: AFs - BFs - BFp
x subject Token minted for subject S
x = BancorFormula.calculatePurchaseReturn(AFs - BFs - BFp, Supply, Reserve, Reserve Ratio)
After auction closure
Supply of subject token = n - m + 1 + x
Total reserve for subject token = Br + AFs -BFs - BFp = 0.9 * Fs + 0.05 * Fs + P
Price of subject Token = * BancorFormula(Supply, Reserve, Reserve Ratio)*
Last updated