Everyday Rewards


15% of the Moxie token supply (1.5B tokens) is specifically allocated for Farcaster Engagement Mining — rewarding Farcaster Members for contributions that help grow the Farcaster Network and ecosystem.


Moxie has partnered with Airstack to facilitate Everyday Rewards to Farcaster Members, utilizing Airstack’s Far Scores (formerly referred to as "Social Capital Scores").

Every Farcaster Member earns a Far Score based on their influence in the Farcaster network. Far Scores are dynamic (constantly updating) and ever-increasing. There are no negative factors affecting Far Scores. You can check any user's Far Score using Airstack or various 3rd party frames and actions. APIs for Everyday Rewards, FarScores, FarBoosts, and more can be found here. This screenshot shows the Far Score of a user.


For every 100,000 Moxie added to the Liquidity Pool, you will add 1 point to your FarScore. Regardless of whether the LP token is then staked (Aerodrome only) or not, they'll be taken into account into the Farboost calculation.

The Liquidity Boost you'll earn will be define by the following formula:


  • Mi​: The amount of Moxie in liquidity pool ii

  • Oi​: The amount of other token in the Moxie LP in liquidity pool ii

  • ri​: The reserve ratio between Moxie and the other token in liquidity pool ii


Every cast and reply on Farcaster earns a Cast Score based on the Far Scores of the users who engage with the content and the type of engagement.

  • Changes as of 12 September are reflected in bold. Read more about the changes here.

    • MOXIE is rewarded 1:1 based on the Far Score of the person who engages, at the rates of 1x per like, 5x 3x per reply (max 5), and 10x 6x per recast/quote cast.

    • The following caps also apply as of 12 September, 2024:

      • Max 150 Recast or Quote casts per day from any user will give MOXIE

      • Max 300 Replies per day will give MOXIE

🚀 NEW 29 AUGUST, 2024: FARBOOST! 🚀

Moxie users automatically earn a FarBoost to their Far Score based on how much MOXIE they have locked in the Moxie Protocol by owning Fan Tokens. The FarBoost is calculated as:

Every 100,000 $MOXIE held by the user in Fan Tokens = 1.0 more Farscore

Some simple math: Every 100,000 MOXIE TVL = +1 boost

10,000 MOXIE TVL = +0.1 boost

1,000 MOXIE TVL = +.01 boost

Key Points:

  1. The FarScore displayed for the user will always be the entire Far Score of the user, including their FarBoost.

  2. The FarBoost will be available via Airstack APIs so developers can show both the organic score and the boost and the total score, as they desire.

  3. FarScores are update hourly, including all changes to the user's TVL in Fan Tokens

  4. You can always check your FarScore at Airstack and hover over the score to see the breakdown between organic score and boost


  • Frames earn rewards based on the Far Scores of the users who interact with the Frame.

    • MOXIE is rewarded at the rate of Far Score x 10 for each unique FID who uses the frame.

    • Repeat usage earns at the same rate of Far Score x 10, once every 24h period

  • In order to be counted the frame must use Airstack's free frames validator, and:

    1. Have an Airstack account with either a connected wallet which is also connected on Farcaster, or connected Farcaster account

    2. Use a Production Airstack API key to validate your Frame


All Rewards are automatically split for Casts and Frames as follows:

  • 70% to the member who earned the reward & their Fans. (holders of their Fan Tokens) -- see details below.

    • Note: The earner can permissionlessly adjust their splits with their Fans. The default is 50% to earner and 20% to Fans, however the earner can also opt for different splits incuding providing 100% to Fans.

  • 20% to the Fans of the Channel casted into (holders of their Fan Tokens) -- see details below

How are everyday rewards shared with Fans?

  • Rewards are shared with Fans by the Moxie protocol buying that amount of MOXIE into the Fan Token bonding curve and then burning those Fan Tokens. This has the impact of increasing the price without diluting the holders.

  • This is done at a random time each day.

What happens to everyday rewards earned by Channels before the Channel has Fans?

  • At the end of the Fan Token auction for that channel -- after the auction has closed and once the Fan Token contract has been deployed -- the amount of accumulated rewards is bought and burned. This has the impact of increasing the price without diluting the holders.

I'm a developer, how do I earn Moxie for my Frames?

  • Frames earn rewards based on the FarScores of the users who interact with the Frame.

  • MOXIE is rewarded at the rate of Far Score x 10 for each unique FID who uses the frame.

  • Repeat usage earns at the same rate of Far Score x 10, once every 24h period

  • In order to be counted the frame must use Airstack's free frames validator, and:

    1. Have an Airstack account with either a connected wallet which is also connected on Farcaster, or connected Farcaster account

    2. Use a Production Airstack API key to validate your Frame

I'm running a Farcaster client / app / game / tool / utility / realted app: Can I offer a variation of Everyday Rewards to my users and their Fans?

In addition, any project can present a "Common Goods" proposal to the Moxie Foundation for an allocation from the Engagement Mining bucket.

Common Goods rewards are rewards that are deemed by the Moxie DAO to be in the best interest of the Moxie protocol and not serving the specific interests of any 3rd party.

Rewards provisioned from the Engagement Mining bucket shall be inflation adjusted in accordance with the overall growth of the Farcaster Network and any changes in the MOXIE price, and managed by the Moxie DAO.

Furthermore an additional 25% of the token supply is dedicated to growing the protocol and for partner programs and grants.

Learn more about Rewards and types of Rewards.

Last updated

Moxie Protocol Foundation, Cayman Islands